Tuesday, June 19, 2007

kill me!! i hate math camp okay.. i hate it. not fair tat sarah got sum cool trainer. argh!! anywaes.. life is totally not fair. yea. it really isnt. i study so hard den stil get ****ing lousy results can. lyk its so idiotic. i cant even get a 220 for my total score upon 300.. shit. i suck @ studying. n grace, i noe ur secret.. haha. u hate me dont u? do i hear a bingo? i take tat as a yea since u remained silent. i noe u do. its either u hate sarah or me. or both of us. isit? or did i hear rong? paiseh.. sry. yea. i hate myself 2.. i feel lousy all d time without knowing y. yea grace, its a bingo alrite.. u mus b lyk-- oh shit. how did she noe... n stuff lyk tat. but tink hu u always hang out with NOW. tink grace, tink.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

hot swim suit news.

yoyo ppl.. im gonna live it up during my hol. wel.. not really since i din really buy a swimsuit.. i h8 1 piece swim suits. so i went with my mum 2 sum place 2 buy 1. ok. so, i chose tis 1. yea. it was pretty cool. but, went my mum looked @ d price, she freaked n refused 2 buy it 4 me. she wanted me 2 get sum 40 dollars plus 1 but dey were so UGLY!! how m i supposed 2 go 2 d beach wearing sum ah mah designed 2 piece swimsuit??!! i mean, it so disgusting! argh!! so in d end i got pissed cos my mum was lyk: u 1 tis? or tis? or tis? or tis? or tis? ok. wad sbt tis? tis? no. tis?..... she was goin 2 take 4eva. so i kinda sulked cos i din 1 any of those ah mah designed ones. yea. so i din buy anythin after spending lyk 4eva there. yea. stupid rite? wad a waste of MY time! im stil so freaking pissed abt my mum not buying me a swimsuit. yea. so im not gonna swim there. im jus gonna wear my board shorts n a shirt 2 go 2 d beach. im gonna listen 2 her n wear my old swimmin costume cos its all worn out n im not goin 2 b seen in public in those. yea. i h8 my mum. she oni spends 4 herself. she has so many thousands of shoes n i oni have lyk 4? n she wont lemme buy any more. n abt clothes shes oso lyk tat. shes such a stinge. idiot. anywaes, i'll jus go n suntan since im not swimming.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


ok. its been a friggin long time i last posted my posts alre.. but nvm since oni ah duan n a few otha ppl noe my blog.. so.. yea. but wadeva. im lyk listening 2 music wile doin my wrk, wile bloggin. cool multi tasking huh. yea. and u noe, yest when i was taking bus frm tuition to home, there was tis guy hu smelled lyk a hawker centre. u noe.. lyk those kinda foody-ish kinda smell. yea, tats it. yea. den he came up d bus n sat behind me!! i was lyk: oh crap! den he keot breathin on me. even when i leaned forward i oso could feel his breaths! i was lyk: argh!! argh!! argh!! argh!! argh!! argh!! argh!!. n a few thousand more times of argh-ing. i wanted 2 shift seat but i tot it was kinda rude so in the end i didnt.. anywaes, it was 4 lyk 15mins of d bus ride. but it seemed lyk ages!! argh.. ok. er.. wad else. lemme c.. oh yeah.. im goin 2 thailand 2morrow nite!! nite!! how can it b @ nite.. wad kinda flite is @ nite. ok.. mayb there is but i h8 nite flights cos its NOT fun. NOT fun @ all. yea. n i need hlp with changing my blog skin actually.. yea. ah duan's instructions aren't clear. n plus my windows media player broke down, n most of my songs were lyk POOF! n dey were gone. GONE! how do u expect me 2 live without my music?? argh! i hav such bad luck. n i pinched quekie's cousin. he was lyk: hey dude! its not painful! but im sure hes lying in his own face. yea. i dunno wad 2 rite alre. so.. yea. but wadeva.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


hey guys!! long time din post alre.. i din post cos i was lyk damn busy n stuff lyk tat. = P
er... stupid jiong n qing rong damn racist can. dey keep calling me lyk SR Nathan...etc... cos im lyk supa tanned n stuff.. things lyk tat. theres more 2 it actually.. qing rong keeps callin me curry n jiong rui call ah duan potato. damn freakin irritatin can. den grace lyk copied d answer key 2 d eng wb. den d boys tot tat me n ah duan copied but we didn't.. oni grace did. n dey r lyk blackmailing grace. dey r makin her pay dem $80!! how er.. how do u say.. oh yea, how incredibly idiotic. but anywaes, if dey tel, oni grace will get in2 trouble n not us, so 4get it. dunno wad 2 post liao lorx..

Saturday, May 19, 2007

my bro's crush

i think i noe hu my bro lyks!! haha. but sadly, he did not admit it.. her name is *l*c*. ask me if u wanna noe. its d french fatass. u noe d person i toked abt in my last entry? uh huh, tat idiot. he chose her out of 20 otha gd n not gd players. y did he hav 2 choose her? lyk, there were so many gd players out there n yet ha had 2 choose her.. n shes not tat great either.. 2 bad 4 her.. n tis idiotic guy chose me. i was abt 2 cry 4 hlp.. anywaes, hes damn lousy oso n kp making us lose.. shit him.

cheaters go 2 hell

2day during tennis training, we played team racing. its lyk there r equal numbers of ppl on each side of the court cos there 2 courts in 1 area. so get captains, choose team members... bla bla. then my bro was in d otha grp. not frm mine. his team had all those cheaters. especially a fatass girl called *l*c*. shes french. most french ppl r meant 2 be nice, but look @ her, shes so unrefined n a big cheat. but her sis is vry nice. she always wants 2 win. she even admitted 2 me hu she tinks is d best player. i wont tel u who.. n i tink tat she has a crush on him.. cos of her dreamy look when she looks @ him. mua haha. shes dead. okay, lets go back 2 d team racing thing. my bro's grp won cos dey din tag each other's hand b4 running. what cheaters. tel u abt it sum otha time, gtg.

Friday, May 18, 2007

******* truly stink

when i got up d bus, it travelled. lyk duh. den aftr lyk 2 stop b4 my hse, ALOT of b*ngl*s got on. i was lyk "oh crap!! crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" 2 of dem sat in front, 2 sat behind me, n d rest went up 2 second level. it was a double deck u see.. i was lyk "OMG! so darned stinky. i wanted 2 cover my nose. but i was scared tat dey would kill me or smth.. retarded thinking rite? im me. tats y.. now u realise how weird i m. lyk it was really smelly!! if u were me, u would hav done sumtin even worse. mayb lyk say " u noe? u guys stink!" or mayb cova ur nose n get or @ d nex stop n probably take a cab home or walk home. since its only 1 stop away.. er.. tongue tied.. but im not racist okay! buaii!